Rarity | Current Price | Constructed Playability | Casual Playability | Overall Rating |
Rare | TCG Median: $4.99 | Seeing no standard play and is unlikely to in the future | Will be the go-to general for Dinosaur tribal decks in EDH, which makes this card unique in casual play | Verdict: Keep |
Verdict: Keep This card will not see standard or eternal play as it is far too slow and offers no form of protection, but its unique status as the only legendary dinosaur creature and an excellent general in EDH if your deck is full of dinosaurs will make it a popular casual card for a long time. Dinosaurs are likely to be a very popular tribe to make casual EDH decks around, so I don't anticipate this card going anywhere any time soon. |
Comparable Cards | ||||
Rakdos is the only Demon tribal general in the most popular colors for demons, which makes him an enticing tribal general. Decreased to $1.00 after its rotation but has been climbing to its current $4.00 price tag since. |
Gisa and Geralf are the most popular zombie tribal EDH general, and zombie tribal is the most commonly played tribe in EDH. Was worth around $2.00 during its time in standard, and has slightly increased since its rotation. |