Rarity Current Price Constructed Playability Casual Playability Overall Rating
Rare TCG Median: $6.56 Sees some play in Standard and fringe modern play Fun card that slots into some steal based strategies but "good stuff" cards without obvious synergy tend to not find a slot in the 100 Verdict: Sell

Verdict: Sell

This card saw play in some of the earliest versions of midrange and control decks after the set dropped but has since been removed from the most popular decks. It wasn't preordering for much, but spiked to $18.00 after initial tournament results, and has been falling in value since. The card is valuable in midrange matchups but can be too slow against aggressive decks and too easy to remove against control decks, making it a meta dependent card. There is no indication more decks will play this, and unless the pirate theme in Rivals of Ixalan takes off I think this card will continue to decline.

Comparable Cards


Was a strong card and gained value for the time after it was printed, but after a more focused metagame was established, fell out of the meta and fell in value.


Spiked after unexpectedly good tournament results the first week of release but fell in value soon after. Still a more powerful card than Hostage Taker.






Copyright 2017 Ian Rickles