Rarity Current Price Constructed Playability Casual Playability Overall Rating
Rare TCG Median: $4.50 Sees no constructed play and is unlikely to unless an aggressive blue deck arises in the meta game Least playable EDH planeswalker of the set, but will be helped by its planeswalker status Verdict: Sell

Verdict: Sell

This card has basically no constructed applications and very limited casual applications, making a price increase unlikely. As a planeswalker with a very unique ultimate, it will probably not drop in price too much but without seeing play in any format it will not be a valuable card.

Comparable Cards


Widely regarded as the worst planeswalker ever printed, this card is similarly cheap in mana cost and has no constructed applications. Has held steady at around $3.00 basically since its release


Another of the worst Jaces ever printed, this card is not seen at all in constructed and only a select few EDH decks would consider the card. Its price has completely flatlined at around $2.50.






Copyright 2017 Ian Rickles