Rarity Current Price Constructed Playability Casual Playability Overall Rating
Rare TCG Median: $3.91 Simply one of the best on curve creatures in recent memory, this will be a go-to card for many green midrange decks The card is not terribly exciting, but is still a solid option in creature based EDH decks that need card draw Verdict: Keep

Verdict: Keep

There are very few 4 drops in standard right now that can go toe to toe with a Ripjaw Raptor, making it one of the most over budgeted creatures in recent memory. I'd count on this card seeing pretty consistent play in the upcoming standard format, even though it isn't seeing much play right now. The format boogyemonster of 4 color energy is suppressing the development of other midrange decks, but once the energy cards rotate, Ripjaw Raptor should be the premier 4 drop in the format.

Comparable Cards


Another format defining midrange 4 drop, this card peaked at $14.00 while in standard but has crashed to $1.00 since due to lack of eternal or casual play


Was a good, but not great midrange card at around $4.00 upon release, but increased to $8.00 when one of the most popular standard decks started to play it after a rotation






Copyright 2017 Ian Rickles