Rarity Current Price Constructed Playability Casual Playability Overall Rating
Mythic Rare TCG Median: $3.19 Potentially sideboard playable in some standard decks, but unlikely Potential commander for vampire tribal or lifegain, but both already have more synergistic options Verdict: Sell

Verdict: Sell

This card has been decreasing since its release, and although it has potential applications in casual play, I don’t see it seeing any constructed play at all, so at this price this isn’t a great pickup. I would, however buy it when it nears its rock bottom near its rotation, as mythic legends like this tend to have casual based price increases after their rotations.
Comparable Cards


Vampire tribal mythic legendary that was not played in constructed but is a very popular creature in casual play in the 99 of vampire tribal EDH decks. Was $3.00 at rotation but is now $8.00.


Another popular Vampires casual card that did not see much standard play, Olivia is currently $1.50 but trending upward.  





Copyright 2017 Ian Rickles